If you are new to Testlogger, then Check out the TestLogger concept and tool overview before starting!

Install Analyzer and if you don't have an account to TestLogger, please create one. Check this page for getting started Getting started.


After installation and opening the application for the first, you must login. Use your TestLogger account for login.

Familiriaze yourself with the UI

We recommend to check the Navigation and shortcuts page to understand what UI elements there are and what shortcuts the application provides.

Open data file

First thing to do is to open any data file. Click  or use shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + o to open the data open dialogue. See more details from Opening data page.


It's good to check application settings after you have opened your first data file. You have one critical setting to be defined which is related to the distance calculation.

Application settings is available under the user menu on top right corner

AttributeDefault valueDescription
Calculated distance channelSpeed motorThe speed channel what is used to calculate the distance.
Display modeDark modePossibility to switch between dark and light interface. In normal situation Dark mode is better, but in bright sunlight we recommend to try light mode.
Default file browser tabLocal files

Define your desired default file browser tab.

Display FPSDisabled

In case you are having issues with Analyzer performance, turning the FPS display on gives you more details in which scenarios the application performance drops.

Cursor followEnabled

Toggle cursor mode between auto follow and manual click cursor. Disable in case you are having performance issues with cursor movement.

Cursor markersEnabled

Toggle small + markers shown on graphs in cursors position. Disable in case you are having performance issues with cursor movement.

Calculated distance channel MUST be a speed channel.

What's next?

Read more about the workspace and analytics tools to start analyzing data by opening a data file from your local files or download file from TestLogger Manager.