Whether you're a club racer seeking an edge or a pro driver ready to push boundaries, the new TestLogger Collector Mini is tailored for those willing to put in the extra effort to uncover every bit of performance. Developed and tested with real racers, the Collector data logging system is a handy tool for collecting and analysing data and that way improving your track performance.

Designed to fit any RC car from 1/12th scale pan cars to 1/5th size off-road cars, the modular system is easy to install and weighs less than 20 grams sensors included. The Collector Mini is like what is used in full-scale racing but considers the specific needs of RC car racing. System is designed to be future proof and maximize the compatibility with rule books.

Collector Mini allows users to utilize the measured data to analyse the driving techniques or gain more understanding about car behaviour. As an example, optimize your final drive ratio, measure your air time in offroad or compare data from different drivers to understand where the time difference is coming.

The TestLogger Collector Mini is exclusively available for purchase on the TestLogger online store at testlogger.com and we provide multiple product bundles to get an easier start to data logging!


  • Main unit weight with memory card 10 g
  • Size: 26.1 x 24.6 x 22.4 mm
  • Data transfer and configuration via USB port
  • Supports Windows and Mac
  • Adjustable logging rate for each channel (500Hz, 200Hz, 100Hz, 50Hz, 10Hz, 1Hz)
  • 2 receiver channel inputs (steering, throttle/brake)
  • Lap trigger input. One track side beacon gives lap times and split times need a minimum of two beacons.
  • 1 Analog input (e.g. temperature)
  • 1 RPM input (motor sensor breakout or RPM sensor)
  • 2 wheel speed inputs
  • Bus connectivity (6-axis IMU) 


In addition to Collector Mini device, TestLogger has developed software to complement the data logging with analytics and management tools.

With the TestLogger Manager app, you can store data, such as lap times, setup, conditions, car behaviour, Collector data files and your feelings about the run. The Manager is a standalone product which you can use without Collector. TestLogger Manager is the original TestLogger product from early 2010s. Browser-based TestLogger Manager is available at https://manager.testlogger.com/.

The TestLogger Analyzer app is a data analytics tool designed for TestLogger Collector and it comes with both free and subscription-based versions. As an example, you can analyse your driving and car behaviour by e.g. comparing two laps and see the where the time difference comes from. The Analyzer Free is browser based tool and The Analyzer Pro software is available for both Windows and MacOS and can be downloaded from https://testlogger.com/analyzer.


The TestLogger story begun 12 years ago, with a vision of designing an easy-to use tool for managing setup information, lap times, tracks, and conditions in a controlled manner. The owner and main developer of TestLogger is Jussi Luopajärvi, whose background in professional motorsports provided the foundation for the idea of designing and developing a data logging system to take fligh

For further information, please contact:  
Jussi Luopajärvi 
+358 40 3110215 