Wheel speed sensor is used for measuring the wheels RPMs by measuring the differential gearboxes output shafts.
Package doesn't include any brackets for installation and this is due to the reason that it is impossible to design universal bracket to fit all cars. Please check our 3D model library if there is proper bracket available for your car. Library is available at https://github.com/testlogger/tl-collector-3d-print-files
Package includes two magnets which need to be installed on the rotating axles.
Install the magnets to magnet rings or glue to rotating axles.
It is very important that the magnets are installed the correct way. Otherwise the sensors will not detect changes in magnetic fields.
Install sensors very close to the magnets. The airgap is very important to be small as possible. 1-2mm is recommended.
Package includes extra shrink tubes to fix sensors to brackets.
In the Testlogger Connector software open DEVICE CONFIG tab from the top bar.
If you already have a device config to edit, import it from the local configs or from the collector itself (you have to have the collector connected to your pc) and skip the next two points.
Click on the New config button and select your collector to create a new configuration.
Fill in the correct configuration values to the GENERAL and RECEIVER tabs.
In the SPEED tab select "Speed Rear Left" to input 2 and "Speed Rear Right" to input 3 (those should be there by default). In case you want to measure all four wheels, the order from input 2 to 5 is: FL, FR, RL and RR (possible only with Collector Full).
To log the sensors data, set the "Enable" to "Yes" (default), or "No" to disable the logging.
The default settings should be good to go, you only have to set the tire radius in meters to the "Radius" and the amount of magnets attached to the output shaft to "Magnets".
If you are making a new config, fill in the correct configuration values to the ANALOG and BUS tabs.
Check that all of the settings are correct and click Save.
The config is now ready to be imported to the collector.